The Causal plane then sees the emotions of you remembering and these pull you back down. When you dissociate from that you move up into the Mental Plane and your concepts and structures and Ideas about self are now what is going to navigate you through your experience, the part of that is you, the wright/wrong, good/bad, morals standards doctrines that are part of your conscious.
Then up into the Etheric, you transcend the ballast of the mind and are now beyond, emotions, memory conscious mind so what have you to navigate with? How are you going to navigate in this realm, if you don’t have a mind to think, or memories? your in the moment, beyond feeling and what happens naturally is when we feel accustomed we get a glimpse of the big open space and go back to the lower realms or where we can tread water or float. When ready we then let go again as curious and splash back into that realm and come back as the mind wants to stay with the familiar.
Remember Inner Light and Inner Sound, Inner Presence because when you peel away emotion, memory and splash into the realms of sub and unconscious mind it is very spacious (energetically from the throat up). You are pure awareness and commune with light, sound, presence and that navigates you to the higher reachers and through the geometry- past platonic solids and up into the Torus (Sphere) and then transcend the Torus into the epicentre which is the ocean, oneness.
In the lower reaches of the etheric realm there are great beings of immense light and presence and they are of course aspects of your unconscious mind that you are greeting and talking with (in lower levels) and they will merge with you and you with them. These are preliminary consciousness and when you become comfortable Navigating then you find the great beings dissolve away and become part of your energy field. They dissolve away with all the ascended masters, angels, beings- if you are willing to be that BIG.
We continue to float up as we drop our ballast away, to the subconscious mind and above, This is where all the 5 Platonic solids reside, nestled with in each other like Russian dolls, they are then inside the primary geometries (the Star of David/Mer Ka Ba at the brow and the sphere at the crown) that then refract all the particles of awareness that we know.