Some time ago someone asked me what biologically is the difference between life and death? I said it was not about brain death or the heart stopping. Maybe these have happened but some parts of the body are still 'alive' and could be used to revive the rest of the body. I said it was down to one thing -liquid crystals in cells.
When electricity is passed through a liquid crystal, or its water concentration changed. It can begin to organise itself into a different cystalline order ..yet this order is fluid -hence the name liquid crystal. When liquid crystals arrange themselves in sacred geometrical architectures they can become conduits for life energy and consciousness. When this order breaks down they no longer can channel life energy or consciousness and the organism becomes physically dead or without being.
Mitochndria, the power stations of every cell, have liquid crystal surfaces on their inner folds or 'cristae'. Without the liquid crystal medium, the Oxygen we breathe cannot be used to generate energy for the cell.
So what happens if you place liquid crystal behind a sacred or 'fractal' geometry a fibonacci spiral?
In 2015, Cynthia Harrison, currently one of the PRISM group, hand designed and then computer generated 'devices' that were laser cut and etched with such patterns and coated with a specially responsive liquid crystal. People who held the devices reported more coherence in their thinking and creativity.
Cynthia says,
"I used sacred geometries, 4 mathematically precise Fibonacci spirals that wrap around a rhombus, carefully and precisely modelled for the rationale that they impact the waves of light (energy potential) in the human field. The centre of the rhombus and the origin of the Fibonacci spirals, is the still point, the singularity that is within your heart centre.
This alone has been shown to strengthen the human energy system when using biofeedback of the body.
The geometry is then layered with conductive material, copper and gold. These are two of the highest conductors of energy, not to mention their individual mineral qualities.
Specific crystals are chosen for their resonance and the individual frequency to enhance all other materials and for the piezo-electric qualities."