Walked towards what made you feel discomfort?
What about that which produced physical reaction, or a memory of the past experiences you’d rather forget?
I invite you to contemplate; What comes to mind when you move into these spaces of mind, memory, environment, experience.
Do you trust the/your self?
Do you trust the/your body?
Do you trust the/your minds?
Where is it that you feel the push away?
The sensation that you may need to run, suppress or hide?
The places and spaces internal or external that we cordon off from the present are what (in my experience) create knots in our time lines. Interruption of our continual flow and evolution.
So much energy is invested into the bank accounts of the past to ensure that information stays put in the dungeons, the vault of that remembrance.
However, it is all the weave of the same jumper, and if we stop the loom over the left chest and weave around it. We end up with a jumper that exposes a left breast. Making the well made and beautifully crafted cloth, not fully functional for keeping the chest warm. This is how I see the attempted deletion of our story.
What I have found on my life journey is the incidents so horrific in the past were silenced, which made them scream louder.
So they were buried, which made them rise as ghosts.
They were numbed out which produced symptoms that prevented my ignorance.
I’m not saying it is an immediate process that all can do right now. No, what I am sharing is the awareness of it being a process, and with support you too can start to look at what you barricaded out of your life.
Thing is, when I realised that certain incidents in life actually held me small, held me captive in that state of density consciousness. What came to me was that if I faced it toe to toe, from where I am now, what would it look like?
Would the same emotions and physical sensations present. Did the stress response react the same, or was it different now, if different, how so?
I was withdrawing some of the treasured energy I had deposited in that account of the past. This allowed more for the present, more to have now, and with it the ability to re weave the missing threads into the fabric of life, no longer a gapping gap at my chest.
Many of us run on a small percentage of our daily energy stores, so much is in the past happenings. It is possible to have the memories without the charge on them? I am proof of that.
Once I started to open and withdraw my energy reserve from the old story. Instantly I witnessed my life fill with more abundance. Opportunities, meeting people, inspiration, creativity, wisdom, everything was flowing to me, I didn't have to do much at all.
When I peeked over the wall I had built, it was ok. Yes there were tears touching on the whole spectrum of emotions. Yet it was immediately strengthening, the vulnerability was my courage. The courage was my brave heart which brought me Truth and an expansion of Love.
We build the huge barriers and walls to prevent any access of that past into our present. For me it left bits of myself in the desert, seemingly lost to the present. To Re-Member The Self I wen't on the 'Sheroes' Journey, looking at the monsters and realising they were just shadows on the wall that I myself had built!!
There is no separation of those aspects of the self, the past you, the present you or the future you. We can choose where to INVEST our Energy and we can transform the story of the past, re-storying, taking back our strength and empower the Self.
We become the authors of our own life, we can write what that is to look like now!!
Can you relate to any of this?
Let me know here or PM me if you have felt by keeping a piece of the past secret or quiet it has cut off an aspect of your current potential experience.
Maybe you would like support to look at your energy accounts and see where you can address your past, and transfer the energy resources to your current account for the present potential, here Now.
Connect with me here or at www.rhombushealingarts.com
Much Love
May you gift and be gifted from the overflow.