Each opening creates distance from what we thought we knew. This separation has the effect of bringing us closer to the high-Est self - soul self, source.
With each opening and coding we find a clearing an adjustment phase. We called these symptoms in human ego form.
They are integrations and adjustment to the new atmosphere we now swim.
Illness is clearing, shift your language now, to reflect a truer light.
You experience things, you are not those things, your body vehicle you ride within carries these. Much like ice on the hood, surface rust on the door, fire around the heat shield.
Soul is vast and only a tip of the tip is within this relative reality. Like the iceberg underwater, what sits within the physical is but an aspect of that vastness of ocean, densified as ice.
Soul is never tainted by the dust and dirt of this world. We are not tarnishing the soul! That aspect is but a drop in the ocean of eternity.
Hence the opportUNITY to continually merge and dance is reverse birthing.
Aspects of what we (I) do as evocateur of the soul is to midwife!
The body stretching, expanding, preparing, for this re-entry. A sacred service shared within Rhombushealingarts.com
Soul gently makes way into space between space. As we breath a little different, see and feel a little different. Acclimatising at each soul contraction. Merging, filling us, with each earthly compression (challenge).
Inspiring, inspiration with every whole organisms breath to resonate others purity. Cellular vibrations of cosmic orgasm. Not of physical form, but activating light bodies. The uniting of you with your highest you beyond any pleasure your human can dream or imagine.
We ask who Are you?!
As the process continues with the opening and closing of the skirt of the Jelly fish propelling through levels of the ocean of love and mercy. We Re-Member, swirling the flow of all within and without.
Polarity moves in rhythms before time, illusion of dis-ease is mere cleansing the pathway. As you see the fire of the shuttle (see image) is an external reaction to the changes in the environment. Embodied ascension is All- We Are merging within!
No longer an out there, when we see out there, we are the branches of trees as our hair, the grids our muscles, rock and stone our bone.
As one has movement, as do we.
There is No thing to channel all is with in, no ‘thing’ to fear, all universe dance to our song.
As we reach this stage of highest birth what is is our movement.
Great responsibility comes with consciousness.
No longer excuse the conscious creator beings.
As you ARE the world shall be.
Our human will tantrum at every tiny change.
Human is ego, love all aspects and guide, parent this childlike morsel.
Reprogramming takes practice, repartition to see, feel, sense, and know. The process of becoming allows clarity to the world your experiencing.
The cosmic joke is Seeing and Knowing comes only as you are stepping into the future Self. Each step shows and writes a DOT on the map.
You can read, listen, think!
Until you are 'Out of the Mind', it makes little sense.
If it is in your field it is living light language, each dot allows it's reading and Direct Experience allows sense and wisdom of the sojourn.
Commune with Self and those with direct experience. Conscious Evolution (Evolver) group is here for those who may not have this guidance/mentoring and support. We (I) speak only of direct experience to this point.
We are, as you read~~~
Wisdom beyond the mind, true wisdom comes on re-entry of ascension, similar to seeing the earth from outer space, that gave humanity a different perspective, changing minds and technology, consciousness etc, in the world.
Re entry can burn you up, throw you around when on auto pilot. Having the coordinates for trajectory brings a calm knowing, anchoring the ride.
You know your on your way home, the most important work of your life!
Your Journey Home!
Welcome Back to Love