I have spoken on Truth in the past, how it can be used as a crutch for too long so we become lazy in relating to others. I want to see people newly in every interaction, not trust or lean on what the last experience was of them - we are not that moment. We are the moments in flow.
To open to intimacy is similar in the sense that there needs to be a warm up. A foreplay of the minds and bodys' so to speak, an intro a get to know you, a connection of energy, a sharing of who you are (energy, ideas, feeling etc).
It doesn’t matter how long you know someone, you never really know someone, so be curious. Get to know them daily, who are you today, what colour shines brightest that will influence your behaviour and our interactions at this moment. That colour is not who I am, just one aspect. So to judge or think you know a person based on that moment of colour is what we tend to do but it is not ideal or correct to the multiple perspectives one has.
Allow others to shift and change the colours they are - we are the whole spectrum of light- all colour-
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to show all your colours?
What it would be like for others to accept that you are All of these aspects of light, like the prism refracting.
We Human are complex beings of differing elements, rhythms, colours and sensory styles and we will get another or not. It does not mean you are wrong or they are wrong -it is just different. Once we understand why we do what we do we can better be in relationship via getting the behaviour of others - why they do what they do, or how it seems through the lens you are viewing through at that time. We are but energy, are we aligned, are we getting there, are we off line or anything in-between the spaces?
Such complex organisms, the understanding of us may not change the happening but it certainly changes or influences the experience of the happening.
See the world new each day, each moment if your able. We come in and out of this relative reality every moment of a moment- infinitesimally ( if that’s a word). All will pass, All passes, All is here yet All is not. We are No Thing, Going No Where With No Thing To Do. Be, my friends just Be….as you ARE! But that’s a whole other story…...
Much Love