Contemplating the dilemma of fear based experience and what I call shadow experiences of today.
How to work in the light and not disregard the shadow. How to acknowledge it but not dance with it ( get too close to entangle).
I hear people say just stay in love, oh man how difficult that is for those who have never even experienced love ( not even from their parents).
So what to do, how could we assist to build a better world ( be it an illusion or not) ?
I have heard myself say and write regularly don't feed the monster!
So again easy to say but what to do instead?
Well if what we feed grows, feed what you want, water the flowers you like.
Ok, so those that know me know that I come from a strange mix of background with a hint of activism, warrior-Ess, military service/ training.
These are not the ways to change, I don't see we can change the way things are by doing or being how others have treated us (that we didn't like).
Friends in Africa have been speaking about taking back the country and throwing the whites out, with violence if necessary. Hmm just don't see that as the answer, you then become an aspect of that what you hate. I don't have all the answers, I just ponder and work on what may be a shift in new directions.
What I do know is The Monster is on it's way out and old systems are in a state of collapse. This is great, to move forward in new ways the old has to be discarded. This doesn't mean it will be comfortable. Ask any one who has seen great creation, a mother- if birth was comfortable, an artist working on a master work, a writer finishing a book, an athlete training for their personal best etc..
I have been looking into how shifts can be created without becoming part of the shadow or monster (system) or or malicious acts.
There is a man in the US who went about a peaceful action of planting veggie gardens and fruit trees where ever he could. Often these trees and plants would be removed by authorities, he would continue to plant. When there was the big action against Monsanto he didn't attend, instead he gathered hundreds of people and continued, he planted land with food bearing plants. Acres and acres of land. These can feed the local people fairly organically.
Ok this is not perfect, but what I am suggesting is something between non violent action and Peaceful protest.
Love in Action!
What would that look like?
Well if you hate war are you actually feeding it?
If you hate violence do you feed that,
If you are despising someone are you giving them your energy and part of your mind?
What can you do in your own backyards so to speak, that would be this Love in Action?
Something I pondered this week was to do with a protester in London to stop the abuse of children by the system (adoption and fostercare ). I spoke with this man for half hour or so, while others stumbled over themselves to see Mel Gibbson who was there being interviewed.
This man (Mark) explained the cause, going onto express the trauma he experienced hearing these children's and parents stories. They were peacefully gaining signatures to provide open court cases to provide transparency into child protection cases. We discussed how assisting the parents, and cycles of removal from foster children who grow up and have own kids removed. Such a massive issue,
Love in Action!
Put energy into the children's needs, support them, support the parents to get on track, put efforts into longterm programs of intensive supports for children. Find more effective ways to treat trauma and abuse to stop the cycling.
But do not feed the system with your energy!!!
Why do we burn out, we feed what we hate in the world with our energy. We become depleted and end up with compassion fatigue. We stop caring...
What if we all looked at just one thing in our daily lives and did 'love in Action' put our energy into building up what we need in the world.
I know this is a little heavy, those who know the many ancient texts (most popular would be the Mayan calendar). These tell us there is an ending, Yey I say!
The end is of a life as we knew it, again Yes!
A death re-birth!
The breaking down of what dose not resonate with these incoming frequencies. The form of matter, the monster systems and companies will need to change the ways they work, we have seen it already. We have all felt it, even those who are closed eyed to it around them.
What is not in resonance will fall away, this can be considered like an earth awakening. As she shifts into or has been shifting into the new global colour (Indigo, from Violet) she is moving forward in a new way. Like the death rebirth process of the human awakening and activation.
The Violet age was about the breaking away of things that no longer fit, or worked well. Many of us fought the process. Think about you life the past few years. What have you been trying to save, or fix?
Is it possible that what was/is happening is a growing stage and that issue, job, relationship etc just needs to go on without you.
The next few years to come are the adjustment phase and we human generally don't like that, we like structure and control, we like to know what is next and to feel comfortable.
But you know growth comes from the discomfort, change is made in these times of uncertainty. I have a strong feel that it is not about making massive sweeping change, but prepare and look at what is not working, does it need to be shed off?
The earth is in this very phase, move with her. Shed and clear with her, be open to the new birth of what life here on earth could be! (and is for those who moved through).
The Indigo times, are for the way showers to guide us, they have been clearing the way for many years for not the matriarchal or patriarchal, but for balance. The merging of sciences and metaphysics, what I see as the time of the mergence or emergence of the science, arts and technology.
It is the Indigo time that has and will assist in the shifting of the systemic monsters and help in the understanding of the process.
No fear, as Mambo says. Or was that one of those shoe companies?
There is stretching and breaking through in every birth, the struggle produces strength. Did you know that if you assist a bird to hatch out of an egg too soon it will die of be very weak. The struggle is part of turning on and connecting all parts of our systems.
I am excited about the changes,
When you feel fear find a way to come back into love or at least like. Fear will feed what you fear, and the cycle of what you may be running from continues. How can we turn and stand tall?
Look for the ties that bind you, and find SOMETHING to like or be pleasantly surprised by, such as ' wow you really have mastered manipulation'!
What have those people or institutions mastered? That is something ! Think about it, if that is their role in life, lesson to learn and they have mastered it. Who are we to judge?
Mastery takes all kinds of skill and determination, 'like' the determination.
This is a little flippant, however the message is find a speck of something, anything you can grow in goodness. Water it.
We don't have to interact with it, just see it, find the aspect you think you could like and do something in direct response of Love in Action, and move on.
Staying in a focussed energy of hate, anger, frustration etc, will produce more of what you despise. so maybe there is something here, something to this concept of love in Action.
So I am off to ponder what my love in Action will be for this week....