Doing research in sensory perception today in relation to black light and the correlation to magnetism (magnetoreception) and direction.
My knowing has been hearing and seeing magnetic information like grids and the magnetosphere shifts. Working in the back ground on the North Sense research project a project centred on human magnetoreception ( was where I saw my experiences of energy as information. It filled gaps in knowledge of general human sense of sight. I am able to ask questions based on the unseen invisible world - what physics talks of and I see, hear, sense, taste, smell, feel and know. The creative work is my attempt to make visible and share the possibility of evolving systems to their full potential, accessing dormant abilities.
Why am I telling you this?
Well today the energy compelled the deeper understanding of an aspect of the experiencing - (Completed first crude viewing experiment - I saw more south and less north! Pattern and colour did adjust as I moved directionally, so worth more investigation. I was not documenting sound today, however I will do separate experiment/discovery sessions for sound..).
So far in my crude experiment I see the opposite of what one may hypothesise regarding Magnetroception and the black light and energy formations.
I saw most in the South rather than North- There is a long list of why, that as I continue on will be looked at and all possible variants covered. However for now how birds and other animals perceive direction and magnetic grids has many similarities to how I experience the world.
Why? Complex reasons the simplest is the evolution of the energetic systems. Building Magnetic force. Magnetite and how this activates when higher centres resonate-vibrate at same frequencies. The time/space is collapsed at the mid head (brow, ajna,) the pineal- pituitary -hypothalamus (triple Axis) resonance for next access to more sound waves.
Excited to share and discuss and delve into these SEEings, viewings, experiencing.
May the Blessings Be ~~~~~~ The blessings ARE~~~~~~
Cynthia Harrison
How Birds See North…
Birds can see the magnetic field of the Earth, visually sensing magnetic North using Cryptochrome proteins in their eyes (a sense called magnetoreception), proteins that are also found in human eyes yet somehow are not cognitively processed by the brain.
Image 1: Theoretical and computational biophysics. How a bird might see magnetic fields
Image 2 and 3 by Cynthia Harrison April 2018
Drawings on paper. Viewing