Don't you find it fascinating how everything is coming out!
In energy understanding the toxins and held beliefs and conditioning patterns move through the physical to release. The earth seems to be purging itself of all that no longer resonates in a similar way. It is what happens in the Violate Age, the frequency of the time which we have come out of.
Think of it this way, humans go through a physiological process to transition from one state of being to another (sleeping to waking, from sedentary to moving, crawling to walking, walking to running etc) these are all behaviours that we move through, very subtle at times.
However if we are unable to move from the level 1 state to allow for regulation expressions of transition, we move through the levels. If we get to level 3 that then looks like a very angry abusive or despondent depressed person, as they have not been able to adjust to transition functionally and become dysfunctional reaction rather than a responce.
Take this understanding of the human transitioning and integration to the earth and in regards to Life Colours there is a major transition occurring. One of sleeping to waking and this has been ongoing for many years (The shift from Violet to Indigo). The Indigo life colour for humans has an aspect of clearing the way for the more gentle aspects of the new world, they help show the way, this is being reflected in the energy of the earth.
The life colours have a resonance a frequency (Hz) as does the earth as we have seen with the tremendous rise over only a handful of years in the earths Schumann resonance (these also correlate to the brain states). All I speak of relates the human as the earth and the earth as human, and as frequency rises only that which raises to meet, resonate or sync in harmony stays and the rest is being purged, moved out, cleansed away.
The highest frequencies (in people) will leave, they are called home. The general bandwidths will remain with some higher ones to guide, or assist in the transitioning.
So with this very basic understanding of the relative reality we are moving through, can you see it is all on point and doing exactly as the ancients suggest through the breadcrumbs of signs they left us.
What needs to be broken down, exposed, thrown in our faces is to Wake us up!
This is how consciousness works, in my #EvolverGroup teachings we discus this type of understanding, the science and spiritual aspects.
Energy flows and is gaining a magnetic pulse, it comes in and shows you all you need. We continue to sleep, so it flows out and builds momentum in the spiralling and as it comes back it will show you again in a slightly more impactful way. This is related to the time lines, the ratcheting up, the spiral has a crossover point which I describe as a shadow aspect, a reflecting of a past cycle. Sort of like an eclipse when the moon passes in front of the sun. The ancients knew this blocked the energies and gave a different possibility to access the magnetics of the earth Ley Lines of the sacred sites, but thats another story.
As we are blinded by our existence and distracted by Stuff, this energy information is possibly seen but dismissed and the energy flows around, once again building up in force. This will continue, and basically if you are not aware, observing to see the beautiful metaphor all around you in every interaction with nature, and people, then your challenges can be very very hard.
You could say the force starts to raise its voice and if your not listening it will have to scream. I use to say if we don't listen to the whispers, and taps on the shoulder we are eventually hit by a truck so to speak. The lessons can come so very hard and can be death. This is not to scare you, as death is just a doorway, and an opportunity for other lessons.
If you are reading this you will see it, you will understand, you were drawn via the resonance to read this. Remember EVERYthing is living light language. Pay attention to what you are pulled or drawn to, it all has frequency.
Thank those that have been part of waking us up to all the shadow of ourselves. I thank those children in the Northern Territory prison system for showing- exposing all that needs attention, I thank the so very many killed in the #blacklivesmatter police incidents on both sides, the bombings, shootings, boat people, refugees, plane crashes, political unrest it goes on and on (may they receive the blessing for their role in waking humanity up).
Everything you see in the world you have within you. This may unsettle some people, just allow it to move through, because every aspect we see and experience in this world is an aspect of us! From the beauty, care, compassion and love to the ugly, fear, abuse, hate and harm.
While we are still in the energetic pulse of a polarity that gives us the amazing opportunity to experience every aspect of incarnation, we will experience life as duality. That includes all the atrocities just mentioned, a magnetic pulse is a unified energy that assists us to see, feel, sense, and know much more. To get the metaphor instantly so we don't have to experience the shadow aspects in the way many currently are.
If everything out there is within us then as we do our work (the inside job) we will see the change externally.
We are challenging the subconscious mind on a grand world wide scale. The earth is assisting us, and as in psychology when we challenge a habitual pattern of behaviour the self-sabotage, that fight comes onboard to keep you safe. Safety to the body is the habits you have formed through early experience.
The #Amygdala is like the fire alarm of the brain and when stress is felt our system goes into an autonomic reaction to then decide whether to fight or run. The balance to that is the #Hypothalamus which when the alarm goes off can produce the balancing effect via producing #Oxytocin -the love or bonding hormone. Our human system as it is now (for most) will be physiologically and energetically triggered to stay in the same or similar state of consciousness and hence we see survival behaviour.
The fear response, a literal physiological feedback loop of information via hormonal release or non release is your going to die, regardless of the stress. If a large percentage of the population is going into this loop due to the way their Hypothalamus coordinates with the amygdala, and Pituitary glands well we are going to see this for a while.
The transition feels like it is coming from the shift, from a consciousness built on fear to one of love. Remember the challenges when moving from one state to another, either physically or energetically. There is a integration that occurs, this can be uncomfortable as your merging old and new to create a third way. Two into one makes a third in my experience. It is not either or, it just IS.
Due to the mass population parenting through control and fear, people and many children are responding in a learnt conditioned response to all the change, both internal and the external or environmental shifts, in fear.
The amygdala (at the brain stem) sends stress hormones to the #Pituitary and #Hippocampus. The #Hypothalamus (midbrain) is suppose to respond through the release of the anti stress /love hormone #Oxytocin. That release of hormones brings balance and equilibrium. However the interesting piece is that how this feedback loop happens is a learnt, a conditioned response we developed in childhood. So if you don't have a care giver early in life to give you attention, meets your basic needs, is loving in a responsive way, you are not going to develop a response that is effective enough to off set the outpour of stress hormones in the brain.
Therefore, if the mid brain is not online due to stress you are literally a half brained human trying to survive. Everything is impacted. This is what I am seeing, a world of half brained humans trying to prevent further pain from a state of fear. We could go a step further and add the emotional regression people experience when stressed to the age you were impacted by the traumatic experiences, and then we have scared children making decisions for humanity.
No! Come on, lets recognise the fear, and offer others our mid n prefrontal cortex, to assist in #co-regulating their systems into the more appropriate new set point or homeostasis.
How can we assist each other?
Raise #Oxytocin,
Smile, gentle touch, friendly interaction, sharing, tone of voice (porosity) stable, proximity to others come closer if possible (where appropriate), Hugs, or modify your handshake, watching an emotional movie 'tear jerker', dance, sing, do something for another, treat a friend, the more connected the better, there are even stats about checking FB raises Oxytocin due to the connections.laughter, call someone for a chat, take a walk, play with a pet, listen to music, orgasm, stay in the present, give money away, you could eat eggs, bananas, pepper, deep breathing and eye gaze for some.
I have worked with traumatised people of all ages from new born to 90 for over 16 years as a Social Worker and the past 6 incorporating my Energy Practice. There is not much I haven't seen, the levels of fear are clear and it is all of our work to assist ourselves and others to stay centred, and aligned. When you go into a state on the scale of fear, worry, anger, panic, judgement, practice stopping and pulling the energy back into the Love.
Have a toolbox of things in mind ready, imagine your pet, child, nature what ever has the power to shift your attention back online. Energetically fear pulls you out of the geometry, resonance that links to higher awareness. If you are responding in fear if is difficult to match the resonance of an awake aware human. Practice, like anything else practice and you will see the difference.
Remember energy is neither good nor bad, hence it is what we put onto it via our state of awareness ( from our upbringing, beliefs and how we were conditioned). The brain has a plasticity and can change, so practice these few simple interventions for shifting your emotional state regulation.
By assisting yourself you are assisting all of us and the earth.